We created TownHouse for dogs and cats of all ages, who need room to run and play like the rest of us.

We provide multiservice on-site pet care, covering everything from boarding to daycare, grooming to training, agility enrichment to photoshoots, and more!

We’re located right off I-95 in Westport, CT and can’t wait to meet your pooch and kitty. Proof of vaccinations are required for all dogs, along with required local licensing—while this might seem like a lot, not to worry, we’ll help you get this all set up when you become a client. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our concierge at townhousefordogsandcats@gmail.com or call us at 203-227-3276.

come play

1040 Post Rd E
Westport, CT 06880
80 Hathaway Drive Map